OnlineDomain was nice enough to post a full list of the 55,000+ domains dropped by Mike Mann during a 3 month period in 2020. I checked every one for availability, regged a few, and separated the rest for you guys to read.
Curiously, Mike dropped a ton of Spanish domains. These are notoriously slow to yield, but we are working to change that with some LatAm marketing.
Out of the 50k domains dropped, only around 11,000 are still available.
Also, I noticed was on this list, which is definitely not dropped, but pending transfer. Not sure why that was on this list at all.
The domains I registered are on my twitter.
Here is the list of 11,000+ available names (CSV Download), as of Saturday Jun 20th 2020. Here are my personal picks (CSV Download) of around 140 names.
Here is why this matters…
Mike Mann is known for registering 14,000 domains in 24 hours. His legendary moon-shots get press every month like clockwork. In contrast, some of us will likely never own a cumulatively 20,000 domains over the course of our careers. My personal number sits at 11,000 ish.
Sometimes we need to trim the dead weight to move into more profitable areas of focus.
Even the legends in the industry are trimming their portfolios.
Domainers are risk lovers, but we tend to take on too much. If you are currently overwhelmed with renewals or you expect a deficit in the next 6 months, begin preparing now.
Don’t drop. Liquidate!